Building Applications for Kubernetes
This course is for developers that are new to building applications to run on Kubernetes. It covers how to build container images, run your app locally on Kubernetes, tools you can use to improve your workflow, and how to manage manifests for deployment.
Course Outline
Introduction to the Course
Before diving into the course, let’s begin by reviewing what you’ll learn in the Building Applications for Kubernetes course.
Setting Up Your Workstation
In this lesson, you’ll learn which tools you'll need for developing applications to run on Kubernetes.
Building Container Images
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to write a Dockerfile, and build and push your container image.
Running Kubernetes Locally
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to start a local Kubernetes KinD cluster and run your app on it.
Deploying Your Application
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create Kubernetes Deployment manifests that can be used to deploy your app to various environments.
Packaging Your Application
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use Helm to template your manifests and package your application for deployment.
Improving Developer Workflow
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use tools that will shorten the feedback loop and improve velocity when developing apps for Kubernetes.
The Top Takeaways From the Course
Before wrapping up this course, let’s take a moment to review the most important takeaways from the lessons.