KubeAcademy Account Management Changes

Broadcom Inc. recently acquired VMware (Press Release), and now owns KubeAcademy.

As a result of the acquisition, your KubeAcademy account is being migrated from VMware's Customer Connect to Broadcom's Customer Support.

To activate your Broadcom Support account, click the unique link in the email you will receive titled ACTION NEEDED: Migrate your VMware Support Account to Broadcom. You must activate your Broadcom support account and update your profile information to continue using Kube Academy. We expect all emails to be delivered by May 6, 2024. If you need guidance, refer to this support article for more details.

Once you activate your account successfully, you will be directed to the Broadcom Support Portal, where it will show you as logged in, with your name appearing in the upper right of your screen. Starting May 6, 2024 you will use your new Broadcom support account credentials to log in to KubeAcademy.

If you experience any issues, please first try and resolve your issue by using Broadcom’s Self Service Bot, located on this page: https://support.broadcom.com/. If the problem persists, please contact Broadcom Customer Care.

FAQ Table of Contents

Why are you changing the way KubeAcademy accounts are managed?

These changes are part of the normal company-integration processes between Broadcom, VMware, and thus KubeAcademy. Please see this Press Release.

How will these account management changes impact KubeAcademy?

There should be no changes to KubeAcademy other than the backing user account management system. This means the following might change, but will still have the same functionality:

Will my KubeAcademy data be lost?

No. All of your KubeAcademy data, history, and teams will not change.

How do I activate my Broadcom Support account?

When you receive the email titled ACTION NEEDED: Migrate your VMware Support Account to Broadcom, click the unique link and follow the prompts that begin with resetting your password from the Broadcom screen. You can refer to this article for detailed instructions.

Once you activate your account successfully, you will be directed to the Broadcom Support Portal, where it will show you as logged in, with your name appearing in the upper right of your screen. Starting May 6, 2024 you will use your new Broadcom support account credentials to log in to Kube Academy.

I did not receive an email about migrating my account, or I cannot access it, or the process did not work. What do I do?

We expect all emails to be delivered by May 5, 2024.

If you encounter issues, first see the follow the Troubleshooting steps for known issues section (page 5) of this document. If you still cannot activate your Broadcom account, please see the Broadcom support section.

When do I start using my new Broadcom credentials on KubeAcademy?

May 6, 2024. Please continue using your VMware Customer Connect credentials until this date.

What happens if I do not activate my Broadcom support account?

After May 5, 2024 you will not be able to log in to KubeAcademy until complete your Broadcom support account activation.

How do I get help related to my new Broadcom support account?

If you experience any issues, please first try and resolve your issue by using Broadcom’s Self Service Bot, located on this page: https://support.broadcom.com/. If the problem persists, please contact Broadcom Customer Care.