
Tim Carr

Product Line Manager at VMware

Tim Carr is a Product Line Manager and a member of the Heptio acquisition. In his role, he helps evaluate and optimize customers’ desired architectures. He helps deploy and integrate various CNCF projects to meet advanced needs in alignment with customer goals. He is an active contributor to the upstream Kubernetes community. He participated in the Kubernetes 1.14 and 1.15 release teams and works on the Cluster Lifecycle SIG.


Cluster Operations

Cluster Operations

In this course, you'll learn how to bootstrap Kubernetes clusters using various community tools. We'll also dive into topics like authentication, role-based access control, and backing up and restoring Kubernetes objects and clusters.

The Kubernetes Machine

The Kubernetes Machine

Kubernetes is one of the most popular open source software projects in the world and is an excellent example of a distributed software system. This course is about the Kubernetes machine, its design principles and components. In this course you will learn how Kubernetes works and what makes it so effective as a container orchestration system.

11 Lessons
1h 4m