Introduction to Operators
Kubernetes operators offer a powerful method for managing workloads in Kubernetes. This course will introduce you to what operators are and how they work. We’ll demonstrate some operators in use and guide you through how to build one to meet custom requirements.
Course Outline
Lesson 0: Introduction
To begin with, we’ll cover the recommended course prerequisites, who this course is for and an overview of what to expect from this course.
Lesson 1: Operator Overview
In this lesson, learn what an Operator is and how a custom Operator mirrors the Operator model in Kubernetes itself.
Lesson 2: Custom Resources
In this lesson, we’ll dive into custom resources, what they are and how you can use them to extend the Kubernetes API.
Lesson 3: Custom Controllers
In this lesson, you will learn how you can reconcile state for custom resources using custom controllers. We will look at the core controllers in the Kubernetes control plane and learn lessons from their design that will inform how we design custom controllers.
Lesson 4: Intro to Using Operators
Seeing operators in action will help illustrate the utility value of this kind of tool.
Lesson 4a: Using Operators Demo - Postgres Operator
In this lesson we demo the Postgres Operator to show how after installed, development teams can submit a CRD object to have Postgres deployed in their namespace.
Lesson 4b: Using Operators Demo - Cert Manager
In this lesson we demo the Cert Manager to show how after installed, the lifecycle of managing certificates in a Kubernetes cluster is automated.
Lesson 4c: Using Operators Demo - Prometheus Operator
In this lesson we demo the Prometheus Operator to show how after installed, development teams can automatically have their applications automatically monitored by Prometheus.
Lesson 5: Building Operators
This lesson will detail building an operator using Kubebuilder. We’ll cover some design considerations, talk about the tooling options and then walk through the actual implementation.
Lesson 6: Summary
This summary will tie the lessons together by reviewing what we covered during this course.